Weight loss is hard because food is delicious: 2023

Oh how the mighty huge fall! I looked back at my weight in 2022 and how absolutely disgusted I was when I almost hit 70kg. Right now I gained 10kg, I’m almost 80kg, I’m now the size of a whale. Oh my gosh! I weigh more than my friend when she was 9 months pregnant. I know this because she told me as she was trying to hurt me into line! It worked, I’m getting my ass in line!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

What am I gonna do??? I have a Bali trip in less than 8 weeks. I’m trying all the diets and realized that these horrendous slimming concoctions are kicking my contraceptives out of my system!

You try to lose weight and you end up pregnant. How’s that for a reward? Don’t get excited. I’m NOT pregnant. I’m staying on the active pill so that I don’t get my period while travelling. I’m rehearsing. Well at least I hope I’m not pregnant. Yet. The baby is scheduled to be conceived in December, God willing.

I know I dropped a bomb, let’s discuss it. I’ve always wanted babies but as December gets closer, I get scared of teenage pregnancy even though I’m turning 36! Damn that’s a big number. But yes, me and Untitled are planning to move to parenthood!

I’m stuck between buying clothes that fit, accepting my size AND trying my hardest to lose weight to a size I recognize.


7 thoughts on “Weight loss is hard because food is delicious: 2023

  1. I hear you, my friend. I am the same – so overweight and wondering how to get back to a reasonable weight when food is just so delicious!!! SO HARD. I didn’t want to go to Bali until I was at an optimum weight – it was going to be my reward. Losing my Dad changed all that. I have learnt that there is never a perfect time to go to Bali, there is only NOW and I grabbed at it with both hands.
    I hope that in 8 week’s time, you’ll be feeling better in your body and that you’ll go to Bali and have an amazing time.
    I’m so excited for you about babies too!!! I had to read that part a few times to get it!!! WOW!!!

    • Larney says:

      lol! I was sneaky about the baby info!! It’s scary and exciting. You are so right, we really just the NOW and you don’t want to look back and realise you stole your own joy!

      Losing a parent is so hard, it’s been 4 years since I lost my mom but I STILL have moments of crying. I’m sending you healing my friend.xoxo

  2. A few days ago I was reading my blog posts from a few years back when I was at my heaviest and I couldn’t see a way out, but I’m so happy to report a few years later that there was a way, there is always a way! You will find your way. 🖤

    And you better be sharing all the deets about Bali 🤗

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