Round 3 Day 21!!🛎🛎

Well, actually day 22 by the time this goes to the printers. It was a national holiday here in SA yesterday and in case you didn’t know, I usually type this at work pretending to be doing a report or something… anyway

I CAN NOOOOT believe I did it, sort of. I did 3 rounds of 21 day cycles of an attempt at weight loss slash lifestyle change thingy, with FUCKING SUCCESS(ish). I did it. I did it!!!! With blood, sweat and tears, but mostly complains, I’m at the finish line. So many ups and down, oh so many!!!!! The reward/cheat meals kept me sane I tell you. Today is the final weigh in, well, the planned final one but we all know it doesn’t end here. Rounds will only be executed as an emergency strategy. It’s time to adjust to the maintenance plan. This is the last of such posts, unless I go on a baecation to Paris and stuff my face into a coma or get so depressed that I finish a whole bottle of vodka followed by 12 boxes of pizza. Realistically speaking, neither shall happen, but well you honestly never know. So, here’s my maintenance plan, and this is really just for me to have a place to go back and check what worked and is working, sometimes one just forgets.

As I’ve gradually lost the weight, I’ve become less desperate and consequently less strict with myself.

I’m moving from 20:4 IF to 16:8 already that feels like a lot of eating, I’m nervous.
I’m sticking to the same workout plan of 5/6 visits to gym a week but changing the minimum time from 2 hours to 1 hour.
Oh goodness, alcohol is returning, this makes me nervous as well. The plan is to drink 2 times a month maximum, this means either Friday, OR Saturday OR Sunday. If I drink Friday and Saturday, that’s it for the month. I used to drink all weekend then all week , then it was everyday, not to get drunk but it was too much for nothing…. I really don’t need a drink that often.
I’m going to do scale weigh every week still, must keep an eye out…. The weight came off super slow and we know the gain happens at a blink of an eye. Like I said at the very beginning of this journey, I started for the last time.

Lets see how it all went down:

Round 1Round 2Round 3
Day 169.1 kg67.1 kg63.7 kg
Day 768.2 kg64.4 kg62.9 kg
Day 1467.2 kg64.3 kg63.0 kg
Day 2165.5 kg63.7 kg63.3 kg

Oh, another thing that I’m fixing about myself physically… my teeth. My teeth weren’t goblin-like to start with because I had braces when I was younger,all because my sister had them and so I wanted them and got them so I’m not sure if the orthodontist just took my mom’s money or actually had a job to do in my mouth. Fast forward 20 years, and I thought one tooth was out of alignment and so HAVE TO FIX it. I got braces last year October, they suck, a lot. A lot a lot. Thank God it’s masks all around.
Perfect timing really! This week I was about to complain that the one issue I had is still not looking better 5 month into this shit, then I took a pic just because… and realised I had far more issues than one tooth out of alignment really. I honestly had not noticed how crooked my teeth had become, I’ll keep the retainers on like a good girl this time. Then that got me thinking about physical appearance…More often than not, what we see in the mirror is really not how we look at all! Some skinny people see themselves as fat and some fat people really see themselves as skinny. The mind is super powerful. Personally when I take a picture, 9/10 times I think I look beautiful and I love it, but when I look in the mirror it honestly feels like a catfish. I can’t connect the two Larneys, I’m talking about ordinary pictures, no filter. So I don’t know how I look really. Back to the teeth, I only see now when comparing pics, my teeth were getting fucked. There’s progress oh my gosh. There better be, it ain’t cheap.

Anyway, fix your bodies, fix your teeth, just fix yourselfs guys, it feels good.

I’m very proud of myself, I focused and did this in the slumps of depression. Sadness for a day is normal, for a week its worring but for over a month? That’s depression. I knew completely giving up was not an option and if I didn’t remove depression triggers on my plate, no one could. I mean I’m still pretty miserable but at least I feel better about SOMETHING…. Even if it’s 1 of my 99 problems.

Good luck to anyone starting this journey, on this journey or thinking about this journey. The thing is, you really have to want it bad enough, that’s it. There is no perfect time, there is just time and what we choose to do with, except getting braces when the whole world is forced to wear masks, THAT is perfect timing!

Ok I know I said it’s the last of such posts but I’ll be back, hopefully soon, to report about the dropping the final 3.3kg!

The end.

No wait, I’m kidding… I’m not shocked at the number of the final weigh in because I met up with a friend of mine on Friday and I had a humongous piece of chocolate mousse cake. Orgasmic I tell you. It was huge, enough to probably feed a family of 4 pigs, even I couldn’t finish it! I left about 2 forks worth LOL!

The real end!

Photo by Jermaine Ulinwa on

13 thoughts on “Round 3 Day 21!!🛎🛎

  1. bosssybabe says:

    Your militant determination is stunning LOL love it! Learned a new word “baecation” 👌🤭

    • Larney says:

      Hahaha. I’m steal marching on! See? You learn something new! Haha! Thanks for the support really. You have no idea how far it really goes

  2. Well done! All my motivation has died and gone to heaven!

  3. datingemojis says:

    Congrats! Good job! Yipeeeeee.

  4. […] check it out again here…Round 1 Day 1! oh no no, actually it’s captured here Round 3 Day 21!!🛎🛎 LMAO!!!!! Don’t bother, I will remind you ( more like myself really) but I just wanted to […]

  5. […] check here Round 3 Day 21!!🛎🛎 to see where we left off, 3 months […]

  6. […] Round 1 Day 1 3.0 – oh boy! 68.5kg! inserts stifled tears! I’m going to motivate myself by looking at the numbers from Round 3 Day 21!!🛎🛎 […]

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