I’m Trying / Losing It Again…

For the last time…. Honestly. I’m going to try and lose weight and get fit and in shape ( I know technically round is a shape too) for the last time, more than this, I’m fighting the will of God. I know it sounds like a threat but it isn’t. I have a plan to drop the alcohol, I told my sister this and she said ‘ your friend doesn’t drink alcohol but she’s fighting weight battles too’ well sis… I have no comeback for that. lol! I have an idea to drop the carbs and seriously intermittent fast for 20:4. That’s the plan roughly. Ok I’m going to lay it out in bullet form so that anyone who wants to try with me has clear direction or if any of the health experts has a suggestion, they can say ‘bullet 1 and 3 is crap’, I’m open to any reasonable free advice. Here we go…

  1. No more alcohol, juice, fizzy drinks, not even ‘sugar free’ ones – basically just water. No flavoured water either.
  2. No more snacking, no potato chips, chocolate, fudge – basically none of that ‘on the way/ on the couch’ shit.
  3. No sugar! My biggest consumption is in coffee so none of that!
  4. Strictly intermittent fasting! 20:4 – haven’t decided when my open window will be though.
  5. No takeouts – I don’t know how I’ll cook on the daily but hey…
  6. No less than 3 times a week at the gym – I’m big on cardio but it’s not changing my body, I need to lift, A BIT.

Ok that’s the plan! I plan on starting on the 4th of January 2021. I know society likes to pressure people to do everything in ‘ 90 days’. There are so many 90-day phrases #90 Day Rule, #90 Days No Sugar, #90Days Fiance LOL! But I know myself, that’s a recipe for disaster. I’m going to do 3 x 21 days! I’m good at math and know that doesn’t equal to 90 days but it’s still about 3 months so humour me. I’m taking it in tiny bits. They do say that it takes 21 days to form a habit so…. Let’s see how I do. I like bite sizes of everything… that’s how I ended up in this predicament, because of bite sizes that finishes a whole cake! Woosah! I’m going to report progress on a weekly basis via a blog post.

I honestly know I look hot, I am very sexy BUUUUUT, only when dressed up, spanx and all, I just want to look good naked. When I went away for my birthday I had a swimsuit cover up all the time! I’m not completely comfortable in my skin or is it jeans… I refuse to buy bigger clothes and my size 8 jeans are super tight now…. I’m tired of sucking it in and finding angles for my pictures. I’m going to get to a comfortable shape, I’ve done it before, I can do it again, no, I WILL do it again.

Wish me luck!

2 thoughts on “I’m Trying / Losing It Again…

  1. All the best! Hubby and I have to decided to stop eating sugar for a while! Let’s see how that goes! 🙂

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