Round 1 Day 1!

Technically, yesterday was supposed to be “Day One” of my weightloss journey but I had KFC and washed it down with a coke, not even the sugar free or less sugar option 🤦🏽‍♀️ I know I know stop judginging, I apologised to myself and I’ve accepted the apology. I was really really craving it and if I didn’t have it at the beginning, I would have succumb somewhere in the middle and I think that the latter is far worse right? I would have sabotaged the progress so right now is the best time! lol. Weird but true right…? Anyway, I’m tired of saying “One Day” so today is really “Day One”!

I have it all planned out remember? I’m doing 3x 21 days ‘thingy’ that I elaborated on in another post ( sorry I haven’t figured out how to link posts yet) so I’ll update on the progress ( hopefully it’s just progress regardless of how small😩 ) on day 1, 7, 14, 21 for each round.

I’m honestly fucking tired of this fat. Is it even normal to sweat and be out of breath just getting out the bathtub?? Ok I’ve seen it on Dr Now- My 600lb life and I’m definitely applying for it if I procrastinate even one more day! SO??? How sure am I that it’s going to happen today? I hear myself ask, lol, because well dear self, you hit the streets this morning. Well fucking done self! My wonderful readers, I am NOT a morning person, I do not even talk in the mornings and people who even dare look in my direction before 9am know this too well. I snoozed ALL my life, on average 3 times! I once skipped a morning shower to sleep a little longer and this other time ( way more often than I’d like to admit, I left my bed unmade!

So for MEEEEEEEE at 33, to learn new tricks, amazing! Amazing baby!

Ok so yesterday before the KFC devil attacked me, I weighed 69.1kg, I’m very short, I’m 1.53m. So basically I’m obese at this point. I’m not too deep or obsessed with all the weight technical technicalities hence my weight and height are the only numbers I know. I didn’t calculate my BMI or body fat what what, I just know I do not look good. My goal is to lose 15kg and keep it off!!!!! So this morning I weighed 70.1kg, thanks KCF!

So I’ve smashed the first goal for today and that was to go running before work, I have to wake up when my alarm first rings because if I snooze, it’s game over, I should have know I’d fail yesterday when I snoozed, anyway today is a new beautiful day, So I got up early on the first alarm ring ⏰, then I ran 🏃🏽‍♀️ (probably my shortest distance and slowest but you know it counts…), came back and drank ACV 🤢 ( don’t ask me, I’ve heard it works for weight loss. I took a bath AND did my bed!!!! Left for work with a bottle of water, I’m hoping to have 2 litres a day, I’ve only had 500ml I have a packed lunch ( fish and avo) which I’ll eat between 10am and 2pm, I’ve decided on this open window because it’s not too early that I’ll starve in the day or too late that I sleep with the consumed calories. This way I eat and work it off as the day unfolds. I have my gym bag packed too for after work!

If I don’t lose the planned 5kg in the first 21 days ( I think I’m really not asking for a lot here by the way…) then I’m blaming witchcraft and black magic and some voodoo shit. Then I drop all morals and sleep with a rich old man for the sake of liposucton money!

I’m determined to win. In all aspects! All of 2021!

Since some of you are scared to say it, I’ll go first, 2021 IS MY YEAR!

Photo by Jermaine Ulinwa on

12 thoughts on “Round 1 Day 1!

  1. gigglingfattie says:

    My concerns again for your health, friend. Please be careful!

  2. Zoewiezoe says:

    I apologized to myself and accepted the apology.
    Fucking epic life skill right there!

  3. I’m pretty sure I just found a new best in you. I’m currently on an eating better regimen myself. But I am currently eating a donut and washing it down with Starbucks. You are so right though 2021( why does it keep autocorrecting to 2022?) will be our year!

    • Larney says:

      As long as you didn’t end up having 6 donuts! Every tomorrow is a chance to try again and you know tomorrow comes and comes and comes. Update me on progress please!

  4. datingemojis says:

    Great job on day one! Do what makes you feel good and say goodbye to soda. Empty calories are evil. Keep us posted. Xoxo

  5. […] out about drinking alcohol…? Nah, me neither. lol! Let’s check it out again here…Round 1 Day 1! oh no no, actually it’s captured here Round 3 Day 21!!🛎🛎 LMAO!!!!! Don’t bother, […]

  6. […] It all started here… Round 1 Day 1! […]

  7. […] Monday, yesterday, I promised myself ( and the rest of the world) I’d start Round 1 Day 1!of the final attempt!! I didn’t, well it was a national holiday and by 10 am I had inhaled 2 […]

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